Wind Bridge II - 26 Sinclair Road
Interventions in urban space | Bioplastic sheeting, wooden structure
Kensington, London, UK
Kensington, London, UK
Collaborate with Marius Pfennigdorff

Wind Bridge is an ongoing experiment that was held at two different locations in West Kensington, London between October 2020 - June 2021.
In order to create an environment that is more focused on cohabitation we have come up with a methodology we call tunnelling or bridging. This methodology functions as a mediator, crossing, blurring, and uniting human-divided environments, and creates an experience to re-evaluate our current mindset.
We first chose our homes (Kensington, London) as a starting point for a series of experiments. This resulted in a non permeant tunnel system, made out of bio-plastic sheets, which runs through an entire flat. By giving away part of our property, we have created a paradox that dismantles the clear separation between «inside» and «outside and transformed part of human design space into a traversal / liminal space for natural migration (used by airborne species).
Wind Brige challenges the individual who encounters it to think differently about property as a human concept of ownership. After setup, the tunnel becomes an instrument to measure how nature and us including adapt, where we will be able to observe what other nonhuman species we are co-inhabiting our space with and how they use this channel to reconnect and migrate.